Welcome to the NRC IRAP Innovation Portal

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For security reasons, your session will automatically time out after 30 minutes of inactivity and unsaved work will not be saved. Typing is not considered activity. Please save often by clicking the “Save” button located in the upper and/or lower right section of the module you are in.

Notice of service interruption

There is an interruption of services to update the IRAP Innovation Portal. This site is not available on March 6, from 8PM to 10PM.

Avis d’interruption de services

Prenez note que le 6 mars, de 20h00 à 20h00, il y aura une interruption de service du Portail de l’innovation du PARI CNRC.


Effective May 5, 2014, claims will be rounded to two (2) digits after the decimal, which is consistent with accounting principles and normal business practices.
For example,

Amount Rounded up to As of April 1, 2014, rounded to
$1.50555 $2 $1.51



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Please use the "Report a problem on this page" button if you experience problems with your account or logging in.
You can also call 1-877-672-2672 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time.
If your question is related to your project file, please contact your ITA.

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